
November 9, 2020

You thought I meant I was baking, didn’t you? Hahahaha, nope. Not having an oven is […]

Kiss Me. I dare you.

November 8, 2020

The dreaded Red Chocobo is back, and looking for a kiss under the mistletoe. I’ve been […]

Special Delivery, Kupo!

October 29, 2020

I love the delivery moogle from FF14. He’s so cute, with his giant bag and cute […]

Store Updates: Kitsune-crazy

May 19, 2020

These past few days, I’ve been trying to post a bunch of stuff to my storefront, […]

New Year, New Life, New Goals

January 29, 2020

That’s kind of how I’m looking at it, although now that I type that out, I […]