Have A Kappa Tea

March 30, 2020

Just remember, things will get better. Stay safe, stay inside, and have a kappa (cup of) […]


February 12, 2020

I’m sure I’ve written before about one of my favorite, unique holidays in Japan, called Hina-matsuri. […]

Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight

January 23, 2018

七転八起 なな ころび や おきnana korobi ya oki Sometimes, you find something that really resonates. This was mine this […]


September 19, 2017

Mizuhiki 水引 is a kind of Japanese paper cord, often dipped in wax or wrapped in foil or string to make them colorful. It’s easy to find here if you know where to look, and I have a bunch of it because I mean, why wouldn’t I?