Palpable Relief

May 8, 2018

So, last time I wrote something, I wrote about how my shaking tremors were getting so […]


April 10, 2018

So, I haven’t been posting much here. Heck, I haven’t been posting much anywhere – my […]

Taking a Walk

October 13, 2017

Walking is something I wasn’t able to do easily in the recent past. My shaking tremors were full body at times, and if they came on when I was walking, I would most fall with every step, my legs refusing to follow directions.

While my medications still don’t have me up to where I could say I feel normal, they are helping. And today, I decided it was time to get out of the house – I actually don’t leave particularly often, unless it’s to go somewhere with my husband.

A beautiful day for Beppu 

October 3, 2017

Another trip to the doctor. Turns out, you really are the best judge of what’s up with […]

Quick life update

September 13, 2017

So, I realized. I started this blog for me. Not for business, not for selling things, just for me. Every night lately, I’ve laid awake and thought about that fact, and vow to rectify it.