Socks? SOCKS!

January 14, 2023

I am slowly but surely recovering from surgery. It is a lot harder than I thought […]


November 9, 2020

You thought I meant I was baking, didn’t you? Hahahaha, nope. Not having an oven is […]

Kiss Me. I dare you.

November 8, 2020

The dreaded Red Chocobo is back, and looking for a kiss under the mistletoe. I’ve been […]

Snow Moogles

November 7, 2020

I have been in a holiday sort of mind set. I guess because I go in […]

Painting on the iPad

September 30, 2020

I have many updates I should be writing, but I got distracted. Creative market is way […]

MSQ and Emet-Selch Art

May 22, 2020

Okay, it’s really late news for me, but last night, I finally finished the MSQ (Main […]