
November 1, 2019

I have a head cold. That’s not what I’m thankful for, btw, just the reality of things right now. So I spent yesterday sipping on tea (and coffee) and drawing.

Here, it really doesn’t change seasons until now-ish. A few trees are going red and yellow, but it’s still mostly green, and my tomato plant is still growing. Go figure. But, since it’s officially November here, I get thinking of the holidays, and things you are thankful for, and it led me to this art.

I am thankful that my husband is so understanding with my stupid brain, where some days doing anything is out of the question. I am thankful for everyone who has purchased a piece of my art, or even taken a moment to look at it. I am thankful to friends who do their best to include me, even though it’s more often than not a “no thank you.” I am thankful to have a diagnosis on some issues, and access to doctors to help. I am thankful for my family, who still love me. I am thankful for kitty snuggles all the time (like right now even).

I have a lot to be thankful for.

If you like the art, I’d love it if you shared it with someone you’re thankful to have in your life, too! Any sales go towards keeping us alive and functioning and full of a cupboard of fish for the kitties, and, honestly, it does wonders for my self-esteem (which is a whole ‘nother post when I am not leaking from the nose.)

So here is my first installment of holiday cards! I’m always open to suggestions for other designs and ideas, just leave a comment!

So, what are you thankful for today?