Fake it ‘till you make it

August 30, 2019

That’s what I’m trying to do now. Just had a change in brain meds, slowly tapering off of one onto another, and I’m desperate for anything to help. So I’ve decided to try adding some of those motivational quote things to artwork, as a way to reset my brain and try to look on the positive side of everything.

Yesterday, that resulted in trying more minimalism illustrations, and also banners, because I love drawing banners.

I also bought GoodNote to try digital bullet journaling, but I’m still unsure if I like it digitally. Don’t get me wrong, my iPad literally never leaves my side, but there’s something about the tangible-ness of the physical one (also, my ashamedly huge bag of washi tape) that I’m not sure I want to let go. We’ll see how it goes. I’ve at least added my food and mood logs to the digital one, to have on hand easier and keep updated, especially with the med changes so I can take that with to the doctor.

I’m still trying to settle on a style for my snow bunnies, but once I do, expect a flood of those illustrations, at least as stickers, on RedBubble. And I may make some assets for digital bullet journals, too, because why not. I also have some teacup cats to finish up, so lots of work.

I’m trying hard to upload new art every day or every other day, because it gives me a goal. I’m obviously posting here, too, which is kind of nice, even if I’m sure I’m repeating myself day to day – not much changes here.