Voting is RADICAL!

August 29, 2020

I did it.

I survived watching the 4 days of insanity that is the Republican National Convention. I should have kept track of the number of times I heard “Radical Left,” but my brain might have seeped out my ear.

So instead, I did this drawing while it was going on, and just finished it last night! Because the way half of the speakers said “radical left” made me think they were stuck in the early 90’s, where everything was totally rad, dude!

And this donkey (with a sweet rat tail!) riding a skateboard and playing guitar was born!

Remember to vote for the RADICAL LEFT, my dudes.

Got any other ideas for stuffs like this? Leave me a comment, I’m lacking inspiration (and looking for excuses to avoid continuing to work on my big Lenneth project for a while still)