Kitsune Samurai Mask

August 6, 2020

In the same vein as the previous post, I’ve been drawing more and more samurai masks.

So what are these masks?

During the feudal era of Japan, when the samurai class was at it’s peek, the samurai and their retainers would wear not just the notable samurai armor, but different kinds of face armor. They ranged from full face coverings to just a little bit along the chin.

The ones I’m drawing are called “menpo”, which cover the face from the nose downward.

They served several purposes: first, they were actual armor, not just decorative. They protected the neck and face from attacks, which is obviously really important in a melee combat situation. Even if they were made from leather plates, any guard is better than nothing.

They also counterbalanced the weight of the helmet (kabuto), which was often very large and really heavy. We’ve tried on modern replicas of kabuto, and man, they are way heavier than you expect them to be, and unweildly. The face mask helps to anchor them to the chin and neck with silk or leather cords, stabilizing the helmet. No one wants to go into combat with a helmet that tilts around due to weight!

On top of it’s practical uses, they also tended to be terrifying, with angry looks and mouths twisted into snarls. Some had removable fangs made from actual beast fangs – bears or wolves or ivory. They were meant to show the fierce inner beast of the samurai, akin to when you do kendo, you let out your inner scream when attacking. It is truly terrifying to behold, so imagine that coming from a mustachioed half demon face!

With that in mind, here’s another oni mask I’ve drawn, this one inspired by kitsune (foxes) and with a Vaporwave/retro twist.

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