Spoonflower Fabrics

February 15, 2023

I have finally done something that I’ve meant to do for a while now – getting some of my artwork up on Spoonflower!

Spoonflower is one of the oldest print on demand service I know of, and it’s surprising I hadn’t joined them early on, but I guess I never figured I’d lean more towards printed artwork versus art prints, if that makes much sense. Well, either way, my first set of sample orders finally arrived, which means a few of my prints – mostly Japanese inspired pieces – are available on like a billion types of fabric, some products, and even wallpaper! How cool and/or crazy is that?! I kind of want some wallpaper, but all Japanese houses seem to have the kind that is meant to absorb excess moisture, and is a little puffy, so not something I could even temporarily cover. I might look at getting some MDF board and covering it, though, now that I think about it, and just hang it.

Here are a few of the things you can find on there right now, some for sale, some waiting on print samples before being available but will be shortly!

Well, either way, there is a lot of my art you can find on there now, and it’ll keep growing as I keep doing new designs. Plus, they do these weekly challenges that has been great for inspiration, giving me all sorts of ideas and stepping outside of my comfort zone.

This is my entry for the current challenge, “moss.” It took so long to do, but I am really proud of it to be honest. They’re all Japanese stone lanterns called “toro” that you find everywhere covered in moss. It’s hard to see here, but all the shading is done with an etching style, something I’ve been loving experimenting with a lot lately.

I’ve also been working on getting more and more stuff up on my portfolio page, for those interested in seeing my art. I just wish I could figure out how to set the dates so you could really see how my art has evolved over the past few years. But I think it’s neat regardless, it’s making me realize how far I’ve come.

So, yeah! If you’re interested in fabric for whatever project you’re working on, please consider looking at my stuff. And if you need something custom, my instagram is always open!