
November 9, 2020

You thought I meant I was baking, didn’t you? Hahahaha, nope. Not having an oven is only half of it, I am a terrible baker because it requires precise measuring, and I don’t have time for that. I’m a fantastic cook, though, even if I can’t remember how to exactly recreate something, because I literally just throw things together. Ah well. We all need our weaknesses, right? Mine is a measuring spoon.

So, in lieu of baking gingerbread cookies, I drew some. Yeah, not nearly as delicious (have I mentioned how much I love ginger? Well, I do!) but they certainly last longer this way.

Of course, I can’t just draw normal, happy, cute holiday stuff, nope. That would be too normal. Instead, I have to go and get the idea to draw a gingerbread moogle, and then of course he needs a friend, and it just spiraled from there. I’m not even joking. I have a problem. I can’t stop when I get a “theme” in my head (see those dinosaurs the other day, and the matching unicorns I haven’t posted yet, or all the Free Company portraits I’ve been doing that I also haven’t posted yet… you get the idea). So a few cookies turned into 20 or so.

But that’s okay. I could scatter them around and make a cute pattern out of them!

I’m now seriously considering this pattern for myself for the holidays, and the Ugly Christmas Sweater for Chris. We will match in theme, but not in colors, so IDK yet. I should really get on ordering them, though…

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