I have been in a holiday sort of mind set. I guess because I go in for surgery over Thanksgiving, so I’ll kind of “miss” that holiday (Japan’s Thanksgiving is pretty much the same time as the US, so that’s convenient) which is when most people seem to start really thinking “Xmas!”
Plus, it’s probably good that I get as much stuff in my Etsy as I can before the holiday rush, so I’m not recovering and then also managing orders and listings like mad (I already suck at writing descriptions, I can only imagine how bad they’d be if I was also in pain trying to write them lol)
[etsy-shop shop_name=”saminjapanart” section_id=”30976611″]
I think this is going to be my holiday cards for this year, but who knows, I might come up with something else between now and when I order them…
I should really order them like now, shouldn’t I?