Dinosaurs! Also, an example of how I use my bullet journal

November 1, 2020

Since I’ve been doing a lot with my bullet journal (in addition to all sorts of other artwork btw) I’ve found a great way of using it that has been a life-saver for me – keeping track of how I did a drawing!

This sounds silly, I know, but hear me out.

I do so much art and experiment in so many different styles that if I ever want to go back, even a few days later, and make something in the same style, I just can’t ever get them the same, or I spend an inordinate amount of time poking about to figure it out again.

On a whim, I thought to take some cute dinosaurs I’ve been drawing and make notes on how I actually did it, in case I want to expand the number at some time in the future. I took notes on the brushes used, and where I used them (although I have since changed the name of a few of them… hopefully I can figure it out lol) to get the effect I want.

My notes on how I illustrated these guys so I can come back and make more of them if I ever need to, all stored handily in my bujo in GoodNotes

And I was able to go back and make a few more a week+ later and they matched without much hassle!

So I have to say, if you do any sort of art, even scribbles, consider taking a screen shot of your work and build in some quick notes that you can reference back later if you ever need to! Just one more way that bullet journals – and digital ones at that – make life easier!