Coffee & Moogles

February 18, 2020

So a friend made a comment on my RedBubble Mail, saying I have coffee (Carbuncs Coffee) and moogles, but no moogles drinking coffee.

I’ve been sitting on the verge of a cold this weekend (which I think is full-blown now) and just felt like drawing. Coffee and moogles. Moogles and coffee. So I had a few ideas and drew them all.

First up was this idea – cranky moogle needing coffee.

I had drawn something similar with a cranky cat, so I figured why not just go with that but with a moogle instead. This is me in the morning, obviously.

Then, I felt like drawing something kind of cute, like one enjoying coffee or tea during a lazy day.

This one also is how I feel most days, but especially on cold, rainy days like we’ve been having the past few.

I’ve currently got them both up on my RedBubble, but will be working on getting them up here, too, I think, assuming this cold doesn’t knock me out first. Hence the rambling. I should probably take some more cold drugs.