
February 12, 2020

I’m sure I’ve written before about one of my favorite, unique holidays in Japan, called Hina-matsuri. It is translated as either “Girl’s Day” or “Doll’s Day,” and is celebrated every year on March 3rd (3/3).

So in honor of this holiday, I decided to do some more art on it!

These dolls are the Emperor and Empress dolls that are displayed on the top tier of a display stand, and they’re surrounded by candy, sweets, and gifts.

Right now, this design is only available on my RedBubble page, but it will be up in the storefront here, too, in the coming while.

I’m currently playing catch-up with my store here, getting everything that is on my RedBubble up here on new and interesting pieces. It is a huge amount of work, but I’m slowly and surely working through it all. It’s also nice to have a bit of a break from illustration, to do something else in the mean time. I feel I’m getting better with designing, and that makes me very happy; I really enjoy learning new skills, and this has certainly been a learning curve.

As always, thank you for your support (and thank you for the coffee, Randy!) and putting up with my spamming here and facebook and wherever else you’ve run into me.